The importance of living in nature
Throughout history, nature has been seen as a means of beauty and a source of serenity. As well, it has the ability to help shape our character.
Naturalism was first introduced in the Eighteen-eighties. It was a literary movement that showed the effects and purpose of living in ones environment can ultimately change the perception of ones character. I believe that living around nature and wildlife can help change ones attitude and allow them to have the ability to connect and appreciate their natural surroundings. This allows them to open their eyes and inadvertently feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the simplest of things. This may be seeing the daffodils bloom in spring or watching the autumn leaves begin to fall in September. Whichever season it is there is always beauty to behold in nature.
Moreover, In England we are lucky enough to have a large abundance of forestry, meadows, and fields to relish and enjoy our time in. Having access to nature on our doorstep is so important for us to cherish and savor because it can so easily be an escape for those who feel caught up in everyday life. For me especially I find that an hour or two out in the fields near my house can be a real relief when dealing with life’s many struggles. It gives me an opportunity to stretch my eyes, feel the cold breeze or the warmth of the evening sun and essentially to get some alone time to feel grateful for my surroundings. That’s why I believe being in nature is so important for our wellbeing but also to help us shape and build our characters as people. In addition, it can help us create an understanding of why we must protect and care for the nature around us.